The dome of St. Salvator

From the dome of SS.Salvatore you can see across all of the city, from the harbour all the way to Montreale. By admiring the historic centre you can appreciate just how ancient and complex the history in this city is.

The Cathedral, the Royal Palace, Mount Pellegrino, the Teatro Massimo: these are just some of the amazing sights visitors can appreciate from the top of the dome.

The dome forms part of the city’s architectural heritage destroyed during the war, but in 1959 it was restored by the architect Minissi, who restored both inside and outside of the dome (where you can see the big fresco of San Basilio). He also redeveloped the church that had been an auditorium for a long time and that has only recently returned to its liturgical function.

Visiting Times:
From Wednesday to Sunday 10.00 – 16.30

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 395 – Palermo

Ticket: 2.50


Special thanks to Laura Williams for her translation